App & Game Development
Basketball Go AR: An Augmented Reality Basketball Game
Basketball Go AR is an augmented reality game that allows players to shoot hoops wherever and whenever they desire. Players simply start by placing a virtual basketball hoop on a computer-detected flat surface.
Full-Stack, 3D Game Dev, AR
CopyCat: mobile game that transforms social-emotional learning with AI
Copycat is a mobile app that teaches users how to recognition and replicate basic emotions. The game is design to support social communication for children with autism.
Game Dev, Frontend, Health
inJourna: ML-based mental health improvement app for inpatients
inJourna keeps patients informed about their mood and empowers them to stay connected with their loved ones and caretakers using machine learning sentiment analysis.
Frontend Dev, Design, Health
Collar: A Mobile CSR-themed Professional Network
Collar is an award-winning professional mobile network that promotes Corporate Social Responsibility: the growing notion that corporations should enact ethical policies.
UX Design, Full-Stack Dev
Yurgo: A Social Platform Facilitating 1v1 Challenges
Yurgo is the perfect app for challenging people and bringing exciting competition to the world. This platform gives everyone the chance at becoming a winner, in ANY niche.
Frontend Dev, UI, Video
Soccer Legend: A retro-themed soccer game
Soccer Legend is a retro-themed game where players outmaneuver falling soccer balls of various sizes while collecting tokens and power-ups to increase their score.
Full-Stack, Game Dev